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NASET Professional Development Program (PDP)
NASET has always provided an online platform that supplied the resources required for Special Education Professional Development. Over the years, we have added numerous courses, lectures, PowerPoint presentations, resources and e-Publications. In fact, the sheer volume of content has reached a point where another approach to maximize the primary function of professional development was needed. From this need for a better layout to allow for easier access and use of our website for Professional Development we created the PDP. To learn more - Click here
NASET e-Publications
Hundreds of e-Publications available for online viewing and as PDF files for downloading. All past articels are archived. Take a moment to review the large list of our e-Publications that grows monthly. - To learn more - Click here
Professional Resources
Comprehensive resources from audio lectures, databases of informational resources, IEP development tool, Conferences, Teacher Forum and Much More...To learn more - Click here
Career Center
From the latest job listings to professional development courses, NASET's Career Center provides you with tools and information to further your Career as a Special Educator. To learn more - Click here
Members Benefits - Click here
Click on the JAASEP Image for the Table of Contents
Career Center

NASET's Career Center showcases the latest job openings in special education.
Also, you'll find:
- Career Advice
- Book Resources
- Tips on Resumes & Cover Letters
- Interviewing Techniques
- Special Ed Career Fact Sheets
- Guidelines for Licensing and Certification in all 50 States
Latest Job Listings
* Special Education Teacher - At Boothby Therapy Services, we value and respect our Special Education Teachers as leaders, advocates, and changemakers. Join a team that supports your growth, values your expertise, and empowers student success. To learn more- Click here
* School Psychologist - The School Psychologist assesses, counsels, and supports students and families to improve social, emotional, behavioral, and academic outcomes. This role involves collaboration with school staff, parents, and external stakeholders to develop and implement intervention strategies, assessments, and support plans to facilitate student success. To learn more- Click here
* Special Education Teacher - Performs functions including; planning and delivering specialized instructional lessons that meet each individuals’ goals contained within the Individual Education Plan and other targeted interventions; creating a classroom environment that is conducive to learning; and employing effective specialized instructional techniques for learners with disabilities. To learn more- Click here
* Special Education Teacher & Learning Specialist - All of our SAIL and Voyagers’ students benefit from confidence-building, multisensory instruction tailored to their unique learning needs. We’re looking for a teacher, mentor, and advocate who believes in meeting students where they are and helping them reach beyond their expectations. To learn more- Click here
* Licensed Special Education Teacher - Provide education and behavior modification approaches in a small class, highly structured alternative school. The special education teacher will function as a member of a treatment team, which will address the educational, and emotional/behavioral needs of the students as set forth in the IEP and in the treatment plan. To learn more- Click here
Click on the e-Journal Image for the Table of Contents
Click on the JAASEP Image for the Table of Contents

Become an Effective Advocate
Become the Best Advocate!
To Learn More - Click here
NASET Spotlight

Here's What NASET Has to Offer
Take a moment to review the various e-Publications, professional development and special education resources.
NASET is proud to offer its' members free access to one of the most extensive and comprehensive sources of Professional Development courses available today. With over 100 courses ranging from 1 to 3 hours each, NASET provides it's members the opportunity for over 100 hours of professional development included with your membership in NASET.
Professional Development Courses (101 courses) - Free with Membership!
Board Certification in Special Education (B.C.S.E.)
Board Certification in Special Education establishes a much needed standard for professionals, across disciplines, who work with exceptional children.
NASET provides the multiple areas with valuable information about IEPs. From a ePublication IEP Components to mutlple articles resources, forms, NASET has a wealth of information for the special education professional.
The online Special Educator e-Journal is published monthly throughout the year and provides timely information on what's current in special education.
This list is provided to all members of NASET to help facilitate the numerous tasks required on a daily basis. All documents are available to view online or download as a PDF file for offline printing.
NASET's Week in Review is a weekly emailed publication that provides members with some of the most interesting stories, topics and issues reported during the week in the field of special education.
NASET News Alerts provide the latest special education news as it happens. News Alerts are emailed, posted and through RSS feeds.
This series provides NASET members with an in-depth look at the step-by-step process of assessing students for eligibility and educational placement in special education.
This series is devoted to lesser known disorders that you may encounter in special education. While not as prevalent as other disorders experienced by most special education teachers, you should be aware of these disorders in order to become more knowledgeable, and increase your ability to assist patents of children with these disorders if they should appear in your classroom or school. Each month we will present a list of 3 disorders that appear in the special education population. Some of these disorders may contain subtypes which will also be presented.
The NASET LD Report is an education resource that provides NASET members with a comprehensive overview of learning disabilities. The NASET LD Report covers many areas of study in the field of LD.
The Practical Teacher is a monthly education resource that provides NASET members with practical tools, strategies, and relevant information that they can use both in and outside of the classroom.
Parent Teacher Conference Handouts can be given at the end of parent teacher conferences to reinforce concepts and help parents better understand information discussed at the conference. New additions are added monthly.
The NASET RTI Roundtable is an educational resource that provides members with the latest information on RTI.
The NASET Autism Spectrum Disorder Series is an education resource that focused on the research, writing, and practical information that we have obtained on causes, characteristics, eligibility, assessment, and teaching strategies.
NASET’s Behavior Management Series is a unique guide for all teachers in helping to understand what their student’s behavior really means and how to identify and resolve the issue. This series offers teachers the insight into the inner dynamics, conflicts, fears, symptoms, tension, and so on of students who may be experiencing difficulty learning or behaving in the classroom.
The Classroom Management Series provide teachers with practical guidelines covering a variety of topics and supportive information which may help improve their classroom.
A Journal of Research Based Articles in Special Education are provided courtesy of The Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals (JAASEP). Each issue contains articles that are derived from multiple authors and are based upon the latest research in our profession.
This series is devoted exclusively to students with severe disabilities. This series will cover all aspects of students with severe disabilities focusing especially on understanding this population and what skills and information are necessary if you are asked to teach this population of students.
At NASET, we get many questions from our members about certain areas of interest. The NASET Q & A Corner provides all members with the opportunities to have access to these questions, and more importantly, answers to them from professionals in the field.
This series is intended to provide teachers, related service personnel, administrators, and other individuals charged with assisting in the development of the paraprofessional workforce with information and strategies to build strong, effective, supportive teams to ensure successful educational services for all students.